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Empirical Labs EL-FTC
Empirical Labs FATSO and FATSO EL7X Threshold Controller Expand the range of your FATSO and fine-tune the relationship between the Compression and Saturation circuits with the EL-FTC FATSO Threshold... View more
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Save 7.8%, MSRP $271.00
Empirical Labs EL7X Fatso
The Fatso EL7x is a full analog tape simulator and optimizer with classic knee compression. Analog warmth for a digital world. THE FATSO GOES TO ELEVEN. ELEVEN is a new compressor for the Fatso,... View more
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Save 10.2%, MSRP $3671.00
Empirical Labs EL8S Distressor Stereo Pair
A pair of single Channel Harmonic DISTortion & classic Knee compRESSOR. Digitally controlled Analog knee compression. The Distressor is the product that started it all for Empirical Labs. Born of... View more
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Save 10.1%, MSRP $4553.00
Empirical Labs EL8X-S Distressor Stereo Pair
A pair of single Channel Harmonic DISTortion & classic Knee compRESSOR. Digitally controlled Analog knee compression and British mode. The Distressor is the product that started it all for Empirical... View more
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Save 11.4%, MSRP $5301.00
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