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The Realios A9052 EQ is an equalizer using the classic Dick Swettenham Olympic Studios Design. Designed for the 500 series racks. Extremely musical frequency points.

Originally designed for the Olympic studios' console by Dick Swettenham with guidance from engineer Keith Grant, this equalizer is a very useful toolbox. It is the sound of records made at Olympic studios in the 60s and 70s and is now available in a 500 series format package.

The A9052 provides extremely musical high and low shelving bands, two mid / low frequency bands of equalization as well as a two position high-pass filter. The equalization points chosen provide instant control over musical timbre.

An addition to the original three transistor makeup gain stage is a class-A transistor output stage which will drive the most demanding of loads. Also included is a step-down input transformer and step-up output transformer which provides 6 dB greater headroom than the 500 series voltage rails would normally allow (see the output level spec below).


  • Peak / trough midrange band
  • Peak low frequency band
  • Separate variable high and low shelves
  • Phase reverse switch
  • Dual frequency high-pass filter
  • Hard bypass
  • All discrete transistor design
  • Input and output transformers
  • Wide dnamic range
  • Extremely musical frequency points
  • Single-space 500 series rack format
  • Specifications

  • Input Impedance: 20K, balanced
  • Output Impedance: less than 50
  • Max. Output Level: +32dBu, transformer balanced
  • Gains: Peak 15 dB, Trough -15 dB
  • Frequency Response: +/- 1 dB from 0.15Hz to 25kHz
  • Noise Level: better than 74dB below +4dBu, 0-30kHz
  • Now accepting
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