MPN #URX100    
Zaxcom URX100


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The URX100 is a multipurpose UHF receiver that can be configured as a camera link receiver, an IFB receiver with walkie talkie interface or a standalone IFB receiver with timecode

view and delay.

The URX100 is compatible with any Zaxcom Digital Recording Wireless transmitter. The UHF diversity receiver utilizes a tunable tracking front end filter to combat interference and extend range.

Two antennas (one internal, one external) provide dropout resistance. Operating distances can exceed 500 feet (152 m).

It features two modes of operation: stereo audio output or mono audio output with SMPTE timecode. Stereo audio or balanced mono audio is output from the 3.5mm headphone jack. SMTPE timecode and mono unbalanced audio is output from the auxiliary TA5 connector.

The URX100 can be connected to the remote speaker/mic port of a walkie talkie. You can route the walkie talkie audio left, right or center by the URX100 and/or mix the walkie audio with the URX100 receiver audio. Both the URX100 and walkie talkie audio to be heard at the same time with a single pair of headphones when using the URXL1 Lanyard.

The URXL1 Lanyard has a push-to-talk button and a microphone. Volume control is adjustable. Any headphone with a 3.5mm jack can be plugged into the URXL1 Lanyard. The URXL1 Lanyard is optional.

Menu options include mono or stereo audio and view timecode on the OLED display. Up to six frames of programmable delay allow for video sync.

Paired with the URXL1 lanyard both the IFB audio and walkie talkie audio can be listened to. Talk back is through the built-in URXL1 microphone. Volume is adjustable.

The URX100 can monitor a stereo signal or route the audio to left, right and both ears as a mono mix. The stereo signal can be selected at the URX100 so that a boom operator can monitor one of two transmitted channels that can include a public IFB feed as well as a private communication channel. This monitored audio can also be combined with the audio from a connected walkie with left, right or center routing.

A browser based remote control interface lets the URX100's to be programmed remotely.

3-AA lithium batteries provides up to 10 hours of runtime. Alkaline lasts up to 8 hours.
Receiver RF Channels: 1
Diversity method: antenna switching
RF Modulation: proprietary digital method
RF Frequency Range: 512 to 698 MHz
RF Frequency Step: 100 KHz
RF Signal Bandwidth: 200 KHz
Channel Separation: 500 KHz (700 KHz recommended)
Sensitivity: -114 dBm
Antenna Connector: 50-ohm SMA female

Receiver Audio - Analog Output
Dynamic Range: 110 dB
Distortion: 0.002%
Frequency Range: 20Hz to 16kHz
DAC Bit-depth: 24 bits
Connector: TA-5M

Audio Output
Impedance: 16 ohms
Output Power: 100 mW
Output Type: Headphone driver
Output connector: 3.5 mm
Mode: 2-Channel unbalanced or 1-Channel balanced
Max Output Level: +12 dBm

Timecode output connector: TA5 Male
Timecode output level: .01VPP - 3VPP Variable
Time code output rate: 23.98, 24, 25, 29.97 ND, 29.97 DF, 30

TA5 Auxiliary Connector
  • Timecode output, Left audio out, Walkie Microphone out, Walkie Audio return

  • Power
    Internal Power: 3 AA Batteries
    Li-Ion Battery Life: Up to 11 hours
    NiMH Battery Life: Up to 9 hours
    Alkaline Battery life: Up to 7 hours
    *these times are approximate and will be refined as more testing is done*

    Weight: 4.5 oz without batteries
    Dimensions: 4.1" x 2.5" x .9"
    Display: Graphic OLED Panel
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