This is the pedal we've all been waiting for! All the boutique companies out there that have been trying to emulate the originals of the late 60's - early 80's have now been knocked off the pedestal. I have demoed, listened to, and purchased too many pedals in search of "That Sound." Some of those pedals are very good, but are usually limited to a very narrow sweet spot.
Read moreWell UAD has done an amazing job. So amazing in fact that I sold my original Boss CE-1 Chorus pedal. Let's face it the old stuff sounds cool, but it's noisy. This is pristine noiseless, in comparison, sound. When the first emulations came out they always emulated the noise as well. Why? Beautiful sound only please. NO NOISE REQUIRED!
When one goes to the professional recording studio this product should be available to the guitar player right along side all of the really awesome amps and cool guitars that they offer. This is it! For what it offers this will get you there!