Universal Audio LUNA API Vision Console Emulation Bundle


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API Vision Channel Strip, API Preamp, API 2500 Bus Compressor, and API Summing for LUNA (Mac-only)

Transform LUNA Recording System into API's flagship analog console.

API analog consoles are at the heart of some of the best'sounding albums ever recorded. From Fleetwood Mac's Rumours to Radiohead's In Rainbows, API desks add character, color, and punch to everything that passes through them.

The API Vision Console Emulation Bundle turns LUNA into a full API console. Track in real time through API preamp and channel modules, then mix with API's illustrious analog summing and bus compression " seamlessly switching between low-latency tracking using Apollo DSP, and high-powered native mixing within LUNA.
  • Transform LUNA into API's flagship Vision Console, using the world's first true end'to'end console emulation
  • Track in real time through complete circuit emulations of API's iconic L-Series Unison-enabled preamp, EQs, compressor, gate, and filters
  • Shape tracks using API channel strips in LUNA, without managing multiple plug'in windows
  • Get "big console" sound with all of the cumulative analog character, rich nonlinearities, and transient clipping
  • Sum individual channel buses or your entire mix through API's hybrid voltage/current summing circuits
  • Add glue and tone on buses and the master with the inline API 2500 Bus Compressor
  • View more products from Universal Audio
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