MPN #RO-121MP/SS1    


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R-121 MP Bundled with 2 x RSM-SS1 (Sling Shock)

The R-121 is Royer's flagship microphone " the iconic, radically engineered ribbon mic that put modern ribbons on the map in the 1990s and changed the meaning of "natural sound" for engineers and musicians around the world. The undisputed #1 first-call ribbon microphone for electric guitars, R-121s are equally well suited for trumpets and all brass instruments, drum rooms, percussion, piano, and much more.

The R-121 delivers a warm, extremely natural sound pickup in a compact, light-weight, high-output package that's easy to position, and it handles massive SPLs famously (160dB @ 1kHz). R-121s are built to use on guitar amps from small combos to wide open high-wattage heads, trumpets from close-up muted to blow-your-hardest blaring, drums, and other high SPL applications. But its nuanced, natural sound pickup is also beautiful on quiet instruments like fingerpicked acoustic guitars, harp, flute, light percussion and others. The R-121 is warm, smooth and musical, giving phenomenal results on a wide variety of instruments .

Patented Offset Ribbon Technology " 2 Mics in One!
The R-121 has a patented offset-ribbon transducer that positions the ribbon element closer to the front (logo) side of the microphone. It's an integral piece of the magic of all Royer R-series microphones.

This arrangement does two things:

1) The ribbon element has more room to flex rearward and remain in the prime magnetic field when being driven hard, allowing the R-121 to deliver full frequency response on high SPL recordings. This is critical to the R-121s reputation for capturing outstanding electric guitars and brass.

2) When you flip the R-121 around, the signal is actually brighter on the back side of the mic (from 30-inches and closer), giving you two different sound characteristics in one microphone! Try recording acoustic instruments and vocals on the back side of the R-121 " it's a sweeter sound pickup for softer, quieter applications. We also suggest flipping polarity on your pre or in your DAW when using the back side.

Hand Crafted in the USA

Royer blends cutting-edge technology with old-school construction techniques " think super-precision fits and processes mixed with 100% hand-building care and attention to detail. Every R-121 leaves our Burbank factory ready for a lifetime of active daily use. Tens of thousands of R-121s are on stands every day around the world, in commercial studios, home studios, and on active live stages.

We build the R-121 solidly enough to give it a lifetime warranty. We expect you to own it for as long as you record, and we'll stand behind it the whole way. If it ever needs a re-ribbon, the first re-ribbon is free.
  • High SPL Capabilities
  • No internal active electronics to overload or produce distortion up to maximum SPL rating
  • Extremely low residual noise
  • Ribbon element is not affected by heat or humidity
  • Absence of high frequency phase distortion
  • Equal sensitivity from front or back of element
  • Consistent frequency response regardless of distance

  • Applications:
    Electric Guitar Amps
    Brass Instruments
    Horn Sections
    Drum Rooms
    Kick Drum
    Percussion Instruments
    Acoustic Piano
    Acoustic Guitar
    String Instruments & Sections
    Choirs & Orchestras
    Commercial Broadcast
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