Pack of 12 beveled-edge columns, 2" thick, dimensions: 12"x48". Excellent noise control with a sleek, modern design in black.
Made from high density 6 pound per cubic foot high density fiberglass, Control Columns are designed to be positioned in arrays to treat bothersome reflections that exist between the sound source and the listener. The panels are typically spread across a wall surface leaving space in between each panel. This allows some of the energy to reflect back into the room so as not to completely deaden the space. This helps control acoustic problems while leaving a sense of 'air' or natural ambiance.
The Control Column's long narrow design is reminiscent of the historic 'Roman Pillar' making it an ideal compliment the most demanding architectural designs. This makes the Control Columns an excellent choice in live-end, dead-end designs such as in studios and home theatres while also providing a cost effective alternative for larger spaces such as music practice rooms, dance studios, fitness centers and classrooms that need to be tamed in effort to reduce the reverberant time.
Broadway Control Columns come in a choice of 3 thicknesses and 3 colors and may be ordered with or without a beveled edge. Panels are quickly mounted using Primacoustic Surface Impalers.
High density absorptive panels
Effectively controls primary reflections
Easy to install on practically any surface
Attractive 'Roman Pillar' design in choice of colors