Sorry, the product Mytek Digital Private Q2 Distribution Rack is not available anymore on Studio Economik's website.

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The Private Q2 Distribution Rack allows for 9 headphone mixers.

Private Q 12 channel headphone distribution system consists of a distribution/power supply rack, several satellite mixing stations and appropriate amount of snap-on DL-DL cables. Mixing stations mount easily on a mic or music stand and deliver 2x30 Watts of very loud and clear Class A sound. They give musicians comfort and the engineer peace of mind. Private Q is a self-contained system- no power amps or extra cabling is required. System is fully portable and can be easily setup in any tracking as well as living room. Here are two typical configurations of the PQ system.

Fixed installation
Fixed installation is recommended for a single room studio where the system is permanently installed. Usually the distribution rack sits in one place in the studio and is connected with the patchbay of the console using single 16 pair permanent cable terminated with a DL connector. The patchbay has 12 patchpoints designated for all 12 inputs of the system. The same type of installation can be used in a multiroom facility but requires repeated wiring in all studios. If there are isolation booths in the studio an elegant solution is to run a booth extension cable for each booth. Private Q frees up console's Aux sends.

Floating system
Floating system is recommended for equipment rental companies and those users who prefer not to run any permanent wiring in the studio. A mixed (combination of floating and permanently installed) system is recommended for the multiroom studios where the Private Q is going to be moved between rooms. Floating system uses existing microphone lines to feed the signals from the patchbay. Mytek will provide a DL to XLR cable for this purpose. If the system is frequently used fixed booth extensions are recommended to avoid inconvenience of running cables through the booth doors. A flight case is recommended for a floating system.


  • Freedom of individual (12 channel) mixes for each musician. They play better.
  • Loud and clear Class A sound. (30 Watts p/channel unachievable by any other system)
  • Ease of use (5 mins to set up with snap-on multiwire cables, mic stand mountable)
  • Private Q frees up console's Aux sends
  • High reliability
  • Numerous ergonomical and operational advantages- PrivateQ is a workhorse!
  • Floating configuration refers to rental and portable systems. Permanent installation is usually what works best for a permanent tracking studio.
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