MPN #HV-3D-8 w/dante    


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Eight channel version of HV-3C mic preamp manufactured installed with Audinate Dante output option

The Millennia HV-3D (tm) is a height channel, fully matched microphone preamplifier of uncompromising sonic character, technical specification, and mechanical workmanship. The HV-3D offers multiple channels of HV-3C preamplifiers at significantly less per-channel cost.

With circuitry identical to Millennia's acclaimed HV-3C series high voltage microphone preamplifier, the HV-3D offers high resolution gain switching (36 steps @ 1.5 dB per step), optional B&K (DPA) 130V mic input option on every channel, DC-coupled input option on every channel for optimizing ribbon and other dynamic mics, a passive summing option, and future options, including remote gain control (late 2005).

Unlike preamps using vacuum tubes, IC function modules, and audio transformers (all of which lend their own audio coloration), Millennia's HV-3 micamp architecture is precisely optimized towards capturing the subtlest detail of music and ambience. With +23 dBu native input headroom, the HV-3D requires no input pads or switch points as found on common "textbook" preamp designs - thus avoiding yet another source of sonic degradation. Moreover, with its +32 dBu output headroom, ultra-high dynamic stability and linearity is assured.

HV-3D signal path from input through output is entirely balanced with a minimum amplifier topology. Uncompromising circuit design with meticulous selection and matching of critical components assures consistently transparent audio performance at all dynamic excursions and frequency extensions. Moreover, standard audio cables over 1000 feet in length have been driven from HV-3 mic preamps with no immediately detectable signal degradation.

Option card included: Dante-D Dante network output card
  • Unsurpassed ambience retrieval
  • Transformerless design with matched hi-speed discrete transistor octet has 23 dB input headroom: no attenuator "pads" needed
  • Uncolored timbral accuracy at all dynamic levels
  • Entirely balanced audio path with precision components maintains signal integrity: THD under 5 ppm (.0005%)
  • Effortless, vividly realistic, musical performance
  • Laser-trimmed FET-based output stage has 32 dB headroom: drives 1000 foot (300 m) cable runs with ease
  • Standard 36-step gain controls (1.5 dB per step) are stereo matched to .08 dB
  • Ultra-clean toroid power supply
  • Gold audio connectors and switches
  • Mogami Neglex OFC audio wiring
  • Silver Teflon power wiring
  • Welded 16 gauge steel rack chassis
  • Minimum Gain
    8.5 dB

    Maximum Gain (1.5 dB per step, 36 steps)
    65 dB (up to 75 dB on request)

    Frequency Response (+0 / -3 dB)
    sub 3 Hz to beyond 300 kHz

    Noise (60 dB Gain, 10 Hz - 30 kHz, Inputs common)
    -133 dB EIN

    Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (35 dB Gain, 10 Hz - 20 kHz bandwidth, +27 dBu Out)
    < .001%, Typ. < .0005% (< 5 ppm)

    Intermodulation Distortion (50 Hz & 7 kHz) 35 dB Gain, +27 dBu Out
    < .0009%

    Phase Response (35 dB Gain, 50 Hz - 20 kHz bandwidth, +27 dBu Out)
    < 2 degrees deviation

    Common Mode Rejection Ratio (35 dB Gain, 10 Hz - 20 kHz bandwidth, 100 mV C.M.)
    > 65 dB, Typ > 85 dB

    Slew Rate (35 dB Gain, +27 dBu Out)
    > 25 Volts per microsecond

    Maximum Input Level (20 Hz - 40 kHz)
    +23 dBu (no attenuator pads required)

    Maximum Output Level (20 Hz - 40 kHz)
    +32 dBu

    Phantom Input Impedance (1 kHz)
    6,750 ohms

    Output Impedance
    24.3 Ohms (x2)

    DPA (B&K) Mic Powering
    +130 V dc max, (non-phantom)

    Phantom Powering
    +48 V dc, +/- 2 V dc

    Power Consumption
    45 watts maximum

    Power Requirements
    Selectable: 100-120, 200-240 V ac, 50/60 Hz

    Dimensions/Shipping Weight
    19" W x 3.5" H x 12.5" D, 25 lbs.
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