I was looking for a 360 degree mic. The two alternatives I had settled on were the Sennheiser Ambeo VR and one of the Soundfield mics. After speaking (at length) w my rep at Studio Economik, and doing extensive diligence (including two conversations with Josephson Engineering) I bought the C700S.
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I can't begin to describe how great this mic is. I have a pretty decent mic locker, including a couple Soundelux tube mics (251 and e47) as well as Schoeps and DPA pencil mics, Brauner, AEA, BLUE and others. The C700S is as good as any, but with a different flavor.
However, if you are looking at the C700S, its because of its multi-mic capability. The C700S comprises an omni and two figure 8s. When you record w the C700S, you track three channels. In post, you can than mix-match-combine those channels to give you any surround configuration you desire. If you are into Ambisonics, its output is true B-format, lacking the vertical or Z-channel, which is optional in any case. Unbelievable. I use Harpex to mix my Ambisonic sources, but with the three B-channel feeds from the C700S, you could manually do it in a DAW by duplicating and flipping the phase of the X (front-to- back) and Y (left-to-right) channels. And then blending the 5 channels to get the result you are looking for.
The C700S manual provides a lot of mixing scenarios, and you can always call Josephson with any questions. I can't emphasize this enough. In my experience, someone knowledgeable is ALWAYS available to answer my questions about how to use this mic. I have spoken w David Josephson a number of times. He/They totally stand by their products. Amongst the best companies I have ever worked with.
I have been focusing on live performance recording, specifically choral and orchestral work. After speaking w David Josephson, I have settled on a pair of DPA 4006 omnis on an overhead boom, and the C700S placed in front of the conductor at about 2 meters up to fill in the middle. In post, I configure the three outputs as M-S and blend with the overheads. Delivers an excellent L-R soundstage, with the DPAs providing breadth and the room ambience. Just excellent.
I also subsequently bought the Sennheiser for use in remote, outdoor locations. But for quality Ambisonic and surround recordings, the C700S is as good as it gets.