MPN #60-21124    
Hammond Porta-B with Stand - Black Satin


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61-note Dual Manual VASE III engine Black Satin B3 with 3 sets of drawbars, vibrato chorus, touch-response precision, and included heavy-duty stand

For years, Hammond has worked hard to make the vintage sound available in smaller, lightweight models, starting with the XB-2 back in the ?90's, through to the Sk-series, XK-1c, XK-5, and the new SkPRO. One can find these instruments onstage, in studios, and in homes everywhere in the world.

BUT...throughout the classic Rock and Roll era, even to the present, a B-3, C-3 or A-100 "chop" visually affirmed the soul or the intensity of the group of which it was a part.

Yes, for some, nothing says "Hammond" like a cut-down console, with a commanding stage presence and the accompanying size and bulk befitting the King Of Instruments. Many industrious musicians did the "surgery" themselves, rendering their full-sized consoles into something more manageable for the road, (and doing their roadies a BIG favor). Often times hand-painted black (with whatever paint was on-hand), with added handles on the sides and pieces of plumbing pipe for legs, the "beast" would look funky but majestic and sound with total majesty.

Now, Hammond revisits those vintage days with the new Limited-Edition "Porta-B." It looks like power, sounds like power, and brings a vintage experience home for any musician lucky enough to stand (or sit) before it. It perfectly recalls the "chopped" Hammond we all remember.

Under the hood and beneath the twin-61 note square-front ("waterfall") manuals, the VASE III engine is tried and true, with 3 sets of Drawbars (Upper/Lower/Pedal). Reverse- color Preset Keys, Vibrato/Chorus, and Touch-Response Percussion are just as you'll find in a vintage Hammond. It whispers, it screams, and hits all points in-between, Just as a "real" Hammond should.

There's more:
A hi-def onboard Digital Leslie provides the vital "other half" of the vintage tonality. For those who wish to use a Leslie Cabinet, the 11-pin hookup is "right there," with a separate volume control within easy reach.

And perhaps the greatest surprise is the on-board full-range sound system allowing the Porta-B to speak on its own. Three 50- watt RMS amplifiers drive two 6" speakers and a 10' woofer, making rehearsals and practicing easier. The volume of the onboard system can be easily controlled by a rotary knob " you can even turn it all the way off if you wish.

You won't need any pieces of pipe, as the included metal stand puts the Porta-B at the same playing height as a B-3. Although the Porta-B has the prominent "heft" of vintage "chop jobs," it's still nowhere near the weight of the original. Your roadies shouldn't complain " at least not as much.

In short, it's a true Hammond with all the modern features in a vintage costume. You'll also be amazed at the modest price for this collectible classic.

This "Porta-B" is a Limited Edition. Only a limited number will be made, and when those are gone, they're gone.
  • 3 sets of Drawbars (Upper/Lower/Pedal)
  • Reverse- color Preset Keys, Vibrato/Chorus, and Touch- Response Percussion
  • Built-In Sound System
  • Authentic Digital LESLIE
  • On the included stand-the exact playing profile of a B-3
  • SOUND GENERATOR: VASE III Digital Tone Wheels, 61-note polyphony
    MANUALS: Swell and Great, 61 keys each
    HARMONIC DRAWBARS: Swell: 9 Pitches, Great 9 Pitches, Pedal 2 Pitches
    DRAWBAR VOICING: Manuals: 5 choices (B-Type1, B-Type2, Mellow, Brite, Sawtooth), variable key click Pedal: 4 choices (Normal, Muted, Synthl, Synth2), key click 5 choices
    TOUCH-RESPONSE PERCUSSION: Second, Third, Fast, Soft
    Adjustable Touch, Velocity, Decay (Fast, Slow), Level (Normal, Soft)
    Internal Leslie
    Advanced Digital, 2 Rotors; Buttons: Bypass, Stop, Fast
    Vibrato & Chorus
    Digital Scanner, Rotary Mode Knob: V1, V2, V3, C1, C2, C3, Buttons: Swell On, Great On
    Overdrive Equalizer
    Bass, Mid (sweep), Treble, Tone
    Digital, 11 programs Sustain
    Pedal Drawbars - 5 degrees

    TUNING: Master Tune 430 ~ 450, 1 Hz Steps
    TRANSPOSE: -6 ~ +6 semitones
    COUPLER: Functions: Pedal to Great, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal Adjustable Highest Note
    PRESETS: 12 Banks, 9 Presets per Manual
    Preset Load Option: Drawbar Registration, Drawbar Parameters, Percussion, Internal Zone, External Zone, EQ/Reverb, Animation, Overdrive
    CONTROLLERS: Master Volume, External Leslie Volume, EXP-100F Expression Pedal & Footswitch
    STORAGE: CompactFlash Card, 1G maximum size
    INFORMATION CENTER: 20 Characters, 2 Lines, 9 Control Buttons, Value Knob
    MIDI: 3 preset Templates
    Internal Zones - 1 Zone per Manual
    External Zones - 1 Zone per Manual

    Expression Pedal (EXP-100F only), MIDI IN, MIDI OUT, Audio Line In L & R, Leslie 11-pin, Microphone In w/Volume control, Line Out L&R, Headphone Jack, Foot Switch
    SOUND SYSTEM: Amplification 3 - 50 watt RMS amplifier. Speakers 2 - 6" Full Range, 1 - 10" Woofer
    DIMENSIONS: Console only 15 5/8" (H) x 48 1/8" (W) x 22 3/16"" (D)
    WEIGHT: Console approx. 175 lbs.
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