Gyraf Audio Gyratec XXIV
MPN #Gyratec XXV
The Gyraf Audio G24 is an entirely new type of stereo compressor - aimed at mix and mastering functions. "Passive/Aggressive" Compressor
Similar to it's sister and predecessor, the G23 EQ, it's for those situations where you have a mix that is already nearly-perfect balanced, but you want to control some part of its dynamic without messing up the overall definition.
Gentleness and subtlety were again our main design targets here: This compressor is based on a carefully designed fully passive signal path, consisting of one metal film resistor, one audio transformer and one photo resistor per channel. That's it. Nothing more.
Yes, the elaborate sidechain and controls need active electronics (and thus a power supply, contrary to G21) - but all these analogue engines only ever interacts with your audio by directing a bit of light to an array of photo resistors dragging that channel towards one or the other phase of the opposite channel signal. Nothing else.
We believe this to be the most important innovation in the G24, the passive audio path - inspiration and technology borrowed from the notorious G21. But this is far from the only innovation that sets it apart from every other compressor out there: Most of it's intricate control system was conceived from scratch, following a stringent "what-if" paradigm of research, trial and error.
Dual sidechain
No, not a dual-mono option, but two complete and separate stereo-compressor sidechains acting simultaneously on the signal. Equals two separate stereo compressors. You can use one to grab short transients with fast timing, and the other to slowly ride gain... On top of this we give you the "Control" pot, that morphs seamlessly between the two compressors
Gradually variable all the way from L/R to M/S
Yes, although the G24 can be thought of as a couple of stereo compressors, it is in reality two M/S compressors that are fully variable all the way from from M-only (Mid component) to S-only (Side component) - the beauty being that when the "Elliptic" control is centered, (M-compression = S-compression), it acts (and is) the same as a stereo compressor. or rather: Two stereo compressors..
Compression Fully variable from FeedForward to FeedBack
Now wait, two individual compressors, you say: But how do we decide which of those comes first Kinda important factor in compression, is it not Aah yes. We included a "Feed" control for your convenience, allowing you to dial in a setting from feed-forward to feedback INCLUDING everything in-between. You are not limited to having just one of them first (or last) - you can set both of them as you want, e.g. having both first (!). Uh - and you can set them in-between also, off course - you may realize that FF and FB compression are subjectively perceived as two very different beasts - and the continuous but counter-intuitive fade between their ways makes a lot of sense in real-life use.
Mono-compatible Sidechain signal summing for M/S collapsing to make sense
When initially trying to think up this compressor, the main design obstacle was about keeping the sidechain (relatively) simple. As we really want both L, R, M, and S to be able to contribute to the derived control voltages (because it's a MS-compressor as well as a LR), we could not simply add input/output signals to derive a singular signal for the sidechain, as this would completely cancel out the "Side" part of the signal, leaving us with only "Mid" component. One - in reality almost impossible - option would be to build four tracking sidechains, and then sum them before Ratio control.
What we did is something old and new: We re-purposed ancient signal processor theory that was aimed at maintaining mono compatibility for stereo signals e.g. when transmitted over AM/Mono - this processor shifts signal phase +90 and -90 degrees in the two (LR), which ensures that when adding the two channels after processing, you get +3dB Side component and +3dB Mid, in stead of loosing all "S" and getting +6dB of "M". At the same time, this transformation ensures more precise sidechain amplitude demodulation - and thus much less modulation artifacts when compressing audio. A variant of this is known as the "Hilbert transform", and is gaining popularity in DSP/Plugin compression as well (where it's MUCH easier to implement
The G24 is as standard available as 230V or 115V mains voltages - Please specify when ordering.
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