MPN #Model 670    


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Dual mono/stereo tube compressor with six selectable time constants, threshold, compression, and makeup gain controls

The FAIRCHILD 670 has a reputation as one of the most versatile and best sounding compressors ever made. Having been used on countless hit recordings over the years, the FAIRCHILD 670 remains one of the most sought after pieces of studio recording gear throughout the world. Its unique combination of tube driven amplification and gain reduction makes the FAIRCHILD 670 capable of a wide range of compression effects, from subtle and transparent to heavy and pumping. We are proud to announce this faithful and meticulous recreation of the original FAIRCHILD 670, The legend reborn.

Orchestral instruments
Mix bus/mastering
  • Dual mono/stereo operation
  • Six selectable time constants
  • Threshold, compression, and makeup gain controls
  • VU metering
  • Hand-wired point-to-point construction
  • Custom-designed transformers
  • Tube-driven amplification
    RANGE OF INPUT LEVEL: 0 dBm to +16 dBm
    OUTPUT LEVEL: +4 or +8 dBVU (+27 dBm clipping point)
    GAIN: +7dB
    FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 40 cycles to 15 kc +/- 1dB
    NOISE LEVEL: 70 dB below +4 dBm
    LIMITING NOISES: Below audibility
    INTERMODULATION DISTORTION: Less than 1% at any level up to + 18 dBm output (no limiting) Less than 1% at dBm limiting +12dBm output
    (Note: Positions 5 and 6 release times are automatic function of program material)
    Position 1) .2 ms / .3 sec
    Position 2) .2 ms / .8 sec
    Position 3) .4 ms / 2 sec
    Position 4) .4 ms / 5 sec
    Position 5) .4 ms / .2 sec individual peaks, 10 sec multiple peaks
    Position 6) .2 ms / .3 sec individual peaks, 10 sec multiple peaks, 25 sec consistently high program levels.
    COMPRESSION RATIO: A function of the amount of limiting as well as setting of the two threshold controls which can be set to operate at ratios from 1:2 to 1:30
    POWER REQUIREMENTS: 120 or 240 volts, 60 cycles AC, 3 amps.
    a) 2 Input Gain controls: Step attenuator: 1 dB per step.
    b) 2 Threshold Controls: continuously variable.
    c) 2 Time Constant Switches: 6 positions so as to provide fixed and variable time constants for any type of program material.
    d) 2 Metering Switches: 3 positions so as to measure plate current of each control tube, or as a limiting indicator.
    e) Mode Switch: A-B positions: 2 independent limiters. Vertical-Lateral position: matrixing input and output, left and right in and out, limiting action vertical-lateral.
    f) On-off switch

    Installed Tubes: 8x 6386, 2x 12AX7, 4x 6973, 2x 12BH7, 1x E80F or (1x EF806), 1x 5651, 1x EL34, 1x GZ34
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