Sorry, the product Crane Song Solaris is not available anymore on Studio Economik's website.

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High quality converter with USB, AES, S/PDIF and Optical capabilities

Inputs: AES, SPDIF, Optical, USB sample rates to 192K
Outputs: Main output has discrete output amplifiers with a stepped attenuator, the max output it +24dbu
The secondary output, also balanced has a max fixed output of +18dbu, balanced
The Headphone Amplifier has its own stepped attenuator
Mute: cuts off the main outputs and Solaris powers up muted.

The Function display is done with and LCD showing, the source, gains, and the sample rate. It also has level meters.

The Quantum DAC uses 32 bit a converter and ASRC for jitter reduction up sampling to 211KHz.
The reference clock has less then 1pS and a proprietary reconstruction filter for accurate time domain response.
The clock's jitter measured form 10Hz to 20KHz is typically 0.045pS
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