This is only the second pair of quality headphones I have owned. I tried a few others out locally before buying these on the recommendation of a very established engineer. At first I was very disappointed. Whereas my previous headphones were too bright, I found these very much too dark, overly strong lower midrange and maybe bass.
Read moreI read about some modifications people had made to them, and tried the simplest of them, which was removing the layer of black foam. This took five to ten minutes and is entirely reversible with no visible impairment. With the foam removed I now like these very much. They are still a tiny bit dark to my ears, still a bit darker sounding then my stereo system. The speakers are B&W, which tend to be little bright, so the headphones are certainly in the ballpark. I now have no complaints, and enjoy monitoring and listening to recordings I have made using Schoeps microphones on a Sonosax SXR4+, through a RME ADI-2 DAC.