MPN #3124V    


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Discrete 4-channel mic/line preamp with RE-115 K mic input transformer and the proprietary output transformer found in all API mic pres

Additionally, the 3124V offers Variable Output Level Control and switchable 3:1 output transformer selection. The unit has an internal 48-volt phantom power supply, which is switchable for each channel, as well as -20dB pad switches that affect both the mic and Hi-Z instrument inputs, both located on the front panel.

The 3124V also features up to 65dB of gain. Additionally, the Hi-Z front panel inputs feed directly to the op amps, which allow a low level input such as a guitar or bass to be amplified without a matching transformer or direct box. These Hi-Z inputs can take levels as high as +20dBu, making them perfect for keyboards and other high level devices. The mic preamp outputs are on rear panel male XLR connectors.
  • Classic API Circuit Design
  • Uses API 2520 Op Amps
  • Variable Output Level Control
  • 3:1 Output Transformer Tap Selection
  • Four female XLR mic inputs
  • Four front panel 1/4" Hi Z instrument inputs
  • Front panel polarity switches
  • Front panel -20dB pad switches
  • Front panel mic/instrument switches
  • Front panel 48V power switches
  • Input Impedance: 1500 Ohms Mic, 470 K Ohms Un-Balanced, HI-Z in
    Output Impedance: Less than 75 Ohms Channel Outputs
    Nominal Levels: XLR Channel Output +4 dBu
    Stereo Output Level: Unbalanced: nominal -2, Balanced: +4
    Frequency Response: +0, -5, 10 Hz to 20 kHz (-.5 at 10 Hz)
    Noise EIN: -129 Mic, -125 Un-Bal. Actual
    Measured Noise: Better than -91 dBm / below Nominal +4.
    Distortion: All Outputs at +4 out, .03%, at +22, .09% Max
    Gain Range: 150 Ohms Input 10 dB Min., 65 dB Max (inc. PAD), Un-Bal. Input 14 dB Min., 50 dB Max
    VU Meter: Calibrated for XLR Outputs, OVU=+4 dBu, (-12, -6, -3, 0, +3, +6, +18)

  • GAIN
  • PAD (20 dB)
  • 48 Volts
  • POL (polarity)
  • MIC (mic/un-bal)
  • VU
  • AC

  • Power Consumption, Quiescent: 19.2 Watts
    Size: 19" X 1.75" (1U) X 11" Deep
    Size (Boxed for Shipping): 23.25" X 6.5" X 16.5"
    Actual Weight: 10.38 lbs.
    Shipping Weight: 14.06 lbs
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